How to get your VR game Published on Steam

Virtual reality gaming has registered a significant popularity in recent years. Technology is getting better, so developers are creating games with ease.

In the case that you are a game designer and make games and need to sell your game on Steam, then you need to know about it first.

This article will provide you with insights and steps to successfully publish your VR game on a leading digital distribution platform in 2024.

Understand Steam’s VR Game Requirements

To ensure your VR game meets the high standards of Steam, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with their guidelines and requirements for VR games.

Steam has certain rules for games. These guidelines cover aspects like technical specifications, gameplay mechanics, user interface design, and content appropriateness, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for players.

These rules talk about things like how the game works, how fast it runs, how easy it is to use, and if the stuff in it is okay for everyone.

needs VR games to work with different VR headsets and be nice and easy to play

Furthermore, the content of your game must adhere to Steam’s content policies, which prohibit excessive violence, hate speech, or inappropriate material.

 Develop and Test Your VR Game

For the development of VR games, the developers require some special skills specifically for VR games such as player movement, user interface design, and input methods that are specific to VR gaming.

Developers also have to ensure the optimization of VR games for the smooth running of games on different devices.

It is essential to test your game in the process of development. Find some people who will try out your game before it is completed.

This way they will tell you how the game is running and experience whether it is fun to play or it is running smoothly.This way you can make your VR game better for users.

Create a Steam Developer Account

First, you need to create your Steam developer account to put your VR game on Steam. They’ll ask you for some info like your company name and you have to agree to their rules.

Once your developer account is set up, you’ll have access to the Steam distribution tools and resources needed to prepare your game for publication.

Prepare Your Game’s Promotional Materials

how to get your VR game published on Steam
how to get your VR game published on Steam

You need to make some extra stuff besides your game for Steam. These extra things will help people know about and buy your VR game. These materials include:

  • Game Description and Features: Tell us shortly about your game. What makes it special and what cool stuff can players do?
  • Screenshots and Video Trailers: Really good pictures that show how the game looks, how it plays, and what it’s like if you’re using virtual reality.
  • Marketing Assets: Fancy logos, pictures, and other stuff that matches how your game looks and feels.

Do invest some of your time and efforts in creating attractive and informative promotional materials that can really impact the future of your VR game.

Set Up Your Game’s Steam Store Page

Now it is time to set up your Steam page for your game after you have made the promotional material for your VR game.

This page will be the landing page of your game for the audience where they will get information about your VR game, view trailers, and make purchases.

On the page, you will have the choice to transfer your game to the Steam page and add data about your game, for example, valuing and delivery date, and redo the plan of your store page.

It might take a few weeks for the Steam team to look at your game closely and decide about it. A well-designed and informative store page can greatly influence a potential buyer’s decision to purchase your VR game.

Submit Your Game for Review

Once you make your game’s page on Steam, you have to ask the Steam team to check it. This checking makes sure your game follows all the rules of Steam.

Common reasons for rejection are technical issues, insufficient content, or violations of Steam’s content policies.

If you get approval from Steam then it will be published to the Steam platform, but if it is rejected then apply changes and re-submit it before fixing issues informed by the team.

Promote and Market Your VR Game

Once your VR game is published, then promote and market your game effectively. This can increase your game’s popularity, engagement, and sales.

Some effective marketing strategies for VR games include:

  • Engage with the VR Gaming Community: Actively participate in online forums, social media groups, and chat boards dedicated to VR gaming. This allows you to connect with potential players, answer their questions, and generate excitement about your game.
  • Create Engaging Content: Produce high-quality video content showcasing your game’s gameplay, features, and unique aspects. Consider creating trailers, Let’s Play videos, or live streams to capture the attention of potential players.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with VR influencers, streamers, or YouTubers to promote your game to their audiences. This can provide valuable exposure and credibility to your VR game.
  • Attend Industry Events: Participating in VR gaming events, conventions, or competitions can increase brand awareness and generate interest among potential players.

By implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy, you can effectively reach your target audience and drive the success of your VR game on Steam.

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