Beginner Friendly VR Games – Top 9 Fun Picks for Gameplay

Imagine you fall on the VR Headset and are transported to another world, your room disappears, and everything changes.

Welcome to the Virtual reality gaming world, where the boundaries of the possibilities are broken with amazing codes done by VR coders.

Many VR games cross their graphics limit with high Gephic cards and other software, which further enhances the VR gaming experience and makes it available to everyone.

These beginner friendly VR games are good ways to introduce and guide newbies to the world of VR gaming. 

Imagine you are in a VR game where you are running in huge building cities, spaceships are hovering above you and you can jump so high, which is impossible in the real world.

This can be only done in the Games rather than in the real world. VR takes it to a whole other level experience of Gaming and experience.

10 Beginner Friendly VR Games 

So let’s talk about our best 10 picks of Beginner Friendly VR games for you guys. 

  Beat Saber

Beat Saber is one of the easily accessible games for completely new users in the VR gaming industry.

Beginner Friendly VR Games - beat sebar

The player has to simply swipe and cut the boxes matching the beat with the preloaded song in this VR game with the help of a remote.

This game does not require too much place movement of the VR player and gets used to a VR headset, which is very helpful for beginner-friendly VR games.

Beat Saber is a fast-paced game that encourages players to work up a sweat and get more active. It features multiplayer settings so friends may practice their skills against one another while playing.

 Job Simulator (HTC Vive, Oculus Touch, PSVR)

Beginner Friendly VR Games - job simulator vr gameplay

The absurd game Job Simulator lets users perform actions that, outside of the game, would get them fired in the real world.

With Job Simulator, users can build various products, such as vehicles and sandwiches, and move objects from one station to another. Gamers are taught to toss items at targets, such as their boss’s stapler.

For new VR Gamers who want an experience that has low stakes and will give them a good laugh job simulator is the best.

 Water Bears VR (HTC Vive)

Water Bears is a puzzle game that allows players to build Contraptions that move water from one place to another to free

The Water Bears from their Bubbles, Water Bears is a VR game for all ages despite looking like a game designed for children.

For new VR Gamers water bears teach them to perceive distances in games pick up items and put them down these movements are needed for many VR games, that are more difficult and fast-paced water bears allow players to work through levels at their own pace while increasing the difficulty with each new challenge.

 Minecraft VR 

Because Minecraft is a never-ending game, its makers have been able to make it work on a variety of devices. 

Unlike other games, Minecraft makes the transition from console or PC to VR easier by altering the player’s point of view to assist them become fully immersed in the game. 

It’s easier for new players to get started with the VR version of Minecraft because most players have a general understanding of the game. 

The gameplay of Minecraft is the same as it is in other versions. In many other virtual reality games, players can apply the skills they gain to move things and build structures.

 Tilt Brush (HTC Vive)

Although Tilt Brush isn’t a VR game, it’s a great method for beginners to learn how to use controls, explore their surroundings, and create beautiful 3D artwork. 

It’s not so much meant to be a game as it is to be an experience.

You can play a variant of Pictionary with Tilt Brush. Players can learn how to switch between tools by creating simple pictures. 

They can select from a variety of brushes, colors, and drawing styles. This is very useful for non-artists.

Players who wish to play first-person shooters or other games where they must swiftly switch gears must be able to switch between tools.

Space Pirate Trainer (HTC Vive)

ER Space Pirate Trainer looks intimidating, but it is a great game for VR novices who want to get into more intense shooting games. 

Players in Space Pirate Trainers must aim their controls and fire at moving targets instead of moving around much like in other first-person shooters. 

Players must dodge lasers, shifting from side to side, and dive. Space Pirate Trainer is suitable for those who have trouble aiming and moving quickly, and they can learn to get faster as they get better. 

Players may quickly become familiar with the controls and don’t have to worry about too many buttons getting in the way because the game simply demands them to pull the trigger.

 Dear Esther (Oculus Rift)

Dear Esther is a charming, cozy game that tells the story while players walk around a Scottish Island. 

This is a great choice for new players who want to practice moving around and observing objects in a game without feeling the pressure of finishing a task. 

While Dear Esther won’t make you sweat or burn many calories as other VR games do, it will teach new players how to move with the VR device and how their perception might change… 

New players can also learn how to bend down and get up in Dear Esther, which is helpful for other games. All right.

 The Lab (HTC Vive)

Since The Lab is intended for novices, it is the ideal VR game for them.

The Lab has several mini-games, each focusing on a different skill, which allows players to revisit games they find more difficult than others so they can better master that skill. 

To just a few of the talents in the game, players will learn how to move around items and throw. 

Many games are high energy and require players to work fast, allowing them to learn to run and move quickly without being confused about their change in perspective. 

  Walkabout Mini Golf

Walkabout Mini Golf for VR beginners who love Nintendo Switch Sports Walkabout mini golf is the perfect VR game with plenty of immersive courses.

new VR players can play their way through the game while learning to aim and pick up objects.

The hardest part of Walkabout mini golf is learning how to swing with the right amount of force, this applies to many VR games but teaches players how not to lose grip on their controllers with new courses added to the game.

even seasoned players can learn something new or improve their skills walking about many golfs, Atlantis course is a relaxing experience it immerses players even more allowing them to get the whole VR experience without being in a fast-paced world outside their skill levels.

  Fruit Ninja

The VR version of Fruit Ninja adds more story to the mobile game by adding new skills to the classic slicing games. 

Fruit Ninja VR teaches players to cut stab and slice through items which are valuable motions to understand when playing more combative VR games like the original Fruit Ninja.

the VR version starts slow and speeds up as time passes this makes it easy for beginners to navigate each level and not move on until they have perfectly honed their slicing skills.

This VR also teaches Gamers to use both controllers simultaneously and not rely on their dominant hands

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